Edited by AlanMackie at 2020-2-23 04:50
Am not here to hate and TBH I do in the end hope this works out but you guys and girls need to give the "dev" some time. I would like to see a legitimate version of AO so I can get IGG out of my life as well but this is how I would respond ... My "personal opinion". (TBH the only reason am here is to keep an eye in hopes? that it does do well and that UJ and IGG ignores the fact that there is a server. We know that IGG does not care about AO they said this in 2015 - 2014... however UJ is another story as they still make $ selling the license to other versions.
q) How long will administrators turn a blind eye to the real server problem?
a) Am sure not a very large team of people so not that they are turning a blind eye for the amount of people playing ( more then they expected ) it takes time.. willing to bet he or she is working 24/7
q) When will we be able to play the game with quality?
a) It takes time when its few people to manage a server, most new servers / games have this problem. don't expect an overnight fix.
q) The recent change in the server was to limit the number of accounts connected, when it was clear that what was needed was to IMPROVE the server's capacity.
a) More people play more alts, capacity and its problems will grow and grow until people get fed up, this was the best move and if IGG did the same years ago you would not have lag in wars now.
q) I ask you players, who pay for this game, who invest their time. Has the current administration given importance to what the server really needs?
a) Um this is expected on a pr server, you can pay for a stripper and get one with a mustache, you expect a top notch server at a bargain price, don't invest to much until it is stable server ( if ). BTW the administration maybe 2 or 3 guys. Even funofking warn us about this.
q) New changes were announced on the Discord channel and they simply said NOTHING about lag.
a) That's because its to be expected on a new PR server.
q) It is as if the problem did not exist, a problem that needs to be repaired because it is affecting the BASICS that a server can provide you with: moving around in the game.
a) Mmmmmm "It is as if the problem did not exist". It does and they know it does so you would have to guess that its not something that the can fix overnight or that is easy to fix or they don't care that they will be losing money. What do you think is the reason it looks like they don't care ?
Once more I hope that one of two things happens. 1) the get a license and become legitimate or 2) They are ignored by UG and or IGG and it does well.. But to be honest its hard to see happening, until then give them some time to fix this and understated its gona be buggy like this for some time. Even servers for other games I play that have a legitimate license have lag problems.
If you want to talk and have more of a discussion you can find me here.... https://discord.gg/p24ZqRd