Edited by WhataMistake at 2020-5-16 17:13
We all know endlessnight got the back OT Pd cause of that trinket.
on prints that was juhby account, which got closer of revelao before quit, now some1 spreaded the itens she had, curious, isnt it?
now revelao/MariaIsSexy/Angelika is closer to Maria, lets see how strong she is.
some1 saw how strong Behemoth were once got closer to MariaIsSexy? some1 doubt he has the same trinket? oh he sold the acc to some1, wanna know who? ENDLESSNIGHT, now behemoth is piloted by Aviex, thats it guys. Can u guess what more is hided? who more has that itens? who more doesnt need to skill up?
Feel free to talk to me in game or mail me.
Its perfect readable (Juhby) if u know what is hided.
This is a Revelao awnser on customer service showing he really want to hide the true. You are a shame.