So i was lagging today and decided to do some investigation..
What is My Ping?
Ofcouse i already know that i am lagging so i needed to know how much ping should i have when i am not lagging..
So i logged into AO-IGG account to check the diffrance (I had no Lag there)
Below is the result: AOPVP - AO-IGG
I tried to fix that by using a VPN with the closest IP to the game server (US-West)
Yes it worked! but...
When i was logging in alts, not all alts were the same, i opened 4 windows..
- 2 Windows Perfect 250-300 Ping
- 2 Windows Lagging 500-900 Ping
Below is the result but i did play around closing and starting other windows over and over.. the opened window stayed the same.
- Even when my ping was 250-300 i still got DCed 2 times in 1 hour..
- Suddenly after a while every game client (game window) is back to 250-300 Ping..
In Conclusion..
AO-PVP should upgrade the servers.. and maybe check if there is a priority for some IP's over others, because clearly US-West IPs have better Game Play than other regions..
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