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News Bulletin Today: 0|Threads: 300|Rank: 1 

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[Sys] Server update announcement  ...23 angel 2020-6-30 2011151 thoushaltbemine 2020-7-7 04:57
[Sys] Server update announcement!! angel 2020-6-19 24842 diamond 2020-6-19 11:43
[Sys] Server Maintenance Update Announcement angel 2020-6-12 24393 gblim44 2020-6-12 08:54
[Sys] -Super nourishing egg adjustment announcement! angel 2020-6-2 44536 bryansangel 2020-6-2 17:38
[Sys] Server update event repair announcement  ...2 angel 2020-5-30 118395 Apothecy 2020-6-2 06:54
[Sys] Server IP restriction notification  ...23456..8 angel 2020-2-21 7825712 michaelbravo8 2020-6-2 03:09
[Sys] Server activity announcement angel 2020-5-29 55016 darymar 2020-5-29 10:59
[Sys] Angelspvp update announcement!  ...2 angel 2020-5-19 118019 maskeri98 2020-5-26 15:43
[Sys] Skill Voucher and Energy Brooch Processing Announcement! angel 2020-5-17 34070 akpokno 2020-5-17 15:38
[Sys] Reports of items that should not appear in the game! angel 2020-5-17 74065 roxmemory 2020-5-17 11:13
[Sys] Angelspvp will update the announcement at 9 am! angel 2020-5-11 94549 eddiejahel 2020-5-13 15:29
[Sys] Angelspvp update announcement! angel 2020-5-5 34258 DarkPrincee 2020-5-5 10:06
[Sys] Server update announcement!  ...2 angel 2020-4-28 116235 lucarios0404 2020-4-30 08:38
[Sys] Buying AG adds global online payment channels, please note before using admin 2020-4-23 43446 superginski 2020-4-27 12:30
[Sys] Follow server update announcement!  ...2 angel 2020-4-7 106934 AviexGrant 2020-4-24 02:44
[Sys] Test the announcement of server pings in various regions attach_img  ...234 angel 2020-3-23 3211497 roxmemory 2020-4-14 16:04
[Sys] Dear angels! New level and game update announcement!  ...2 angel 2020-4-14 106074 Adilsonagg 2020-4-14 15:13
[Rec] Do n’t worry, new payment is safe, and other payments are being requested admin 2020-4-6 94176 marjanuco5 2020-4-10 20:56
[Sys] ‘2019-nCoV’ virus hit, international bandwidth is tight, players LAG admin 2020-4-6 74092 Apothecy 2020-4-6 20:14
[Sys] Server replacement announcement  ...23 angel 2020-3-31 227855 justin2044 2020-4-3 21:12
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