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News Bulletin Today: 0|Threads: 300|Rank: 1 

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[Sys] Server replacement notice! angel 2020-4-2 02737 angel 2020-4-2 07:49
[Sys] Server update announcement  ...2 angel 2020-3-25 155746 marjanuco5 2020-3-27 18:50
[Sys] Game map disconnected unexpectedly, maintenance notice!  ...2 angel 2020-3-21 115147 vivian99 2020-3-22 01:24
[Sys] Game update and settings announcement  ...23 angel 2020-3-1 2711404 boon99 2020-3-21 20:38
[Sys] Sorry! Adjusted server time zone, data lost by accident admin 2019-11-30 82534 voodoo 2020-3-6 17:36
[Sys] Server maintenance restart announcement  ...23 angel 2020-2-29 237533 Murdock 2020-3-1 08:06
[Sys] Free account activation is open! Caution reminder! Compensation description  ...234 admin 2020-2-12 3411005 aloyzx 2020-2-29 10:46
[Sys] Server network adjustment announcement  ...2 angel 2020-2-25 145015 tongo 2020-2-26 10:47
[Sys] Server update announcement!  ...23 angel 2020-2-23 217332 Murdock 2020-2-25 00:13
[Sys] A well-maintained gaming environment! angel 2020-2-21 42637 bycocogam1 2020-2-21 08:56
[Sys] Server replacement announcement  ...2 angel 2020-2-20 184530 fixthisnow 2020-2-21 00:46
[Sys] Server condition announcement  ...2 angel 2020-2-19 144498 DenAssian 2020-2-20 02:54
[Sys] Game enters maintenance, replace with new server  ...23456 admin 2020-2-17 5311653 pjpaul333 2020-2-18 22:26
[Sys] Discord club is open!Welcome to join the discussion admin 2020-2-18 53512 diamond 2020-2-18 16:49
[Sys] Update the adjustment announcement yesterday!  ...234 angel 2020-2-15 338028 wefata1994 2020-2-18 06:19
[Sys] Game related notifications attach_img  ...23 angel 2020-2-16 226581 Murdock 2020-2-17 10:59
[Sys] Sorry, the game server was disconnected unexpectedly!  ...234 angel 2020-2-15 329021 reddish 2020-2-16 01:35
[Sys] Server replacement failure announcement  ...234 angel 2020-2-15 307404 reddish 2020-2-15 21:31
[Sys] Server replacement announcement  ...2 angel 2020-2-15 154393 juhbypvp 2020-2-15 07:24
[Sys] Lyceum to Sakura Theme (Valentine's Day).  ...234 angel 2020-2-14 318246 Murdock 2020-2-15 02:21
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