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News Bulletin Today: 0|Threads: 300|Rank: 1 

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[Sys] Server network failure, maintenance notice!  ...234 angel 2020-2-14 358073 pjpaul333 2020-2-15 01:12
[Sys] Players who have lost the item level gold, apply for compensation instructions admin 2020-2-13 92504 juhbypvp 2020-2-14 21:47
[Sys] Dear player, please don't be angry, there will be compensation  ...23456..7 admin 2020-2-7 6315238 lendio02 2020-2-14 17:12
[Sys] The server will be replaced in 10 minutes  ...23 admin 2020-2-12 255825 rewoy 2020-2-13 03:01
[Sys] Waiting for server replacement notice! angel 2020-2-12 52542 jherbjherb 2020-2-12 23:36
[Sys] Reward heavily, find BUG way  ...2345 admin 2020-2-10 4812906 TruthSpeaker 2020-2-12 10:42
[Sys] The game server is temporarily out of service and data repair is in progress  ...2 admin 2020-2-3 184920 deathxjoe 2020-2-6 19:28
[Sys] The unknown problem caused the server to reopen to the public in a planned way  ...23456..12 admin 2020-2-3 11125150 prueba1 2020-2-6 05:49
[Sys] Game downtime maintenance, to fix player item announcements!  ...2 angel 2020-2-5 175076 DenAssian 2020-2-6 04:29
[Sys] Please report the abnormal player data to us, we record the analysis and repair admin 2020-2-3 72822 DarkPrince 2020-2-3 13:07
[Sys] Welcome players! Server update adjustment announcement! angel 2020-1-27 03090 angel 2020-1-27 07:14
[Sys] Server thread adjustment notice! angel 2020-1-26 02189 angel 2020-1-26 22:39
[Sys] Dear players! Game update announcement! angel 2020-1-23 02935 angel 2020-1-23 07:51
[Sys] Game server down unexpectedly, ready to replace the new server  ...2 admin 2020-1-19 195052 xrodxigox 2020-1-20 14:44
[Sys] The server has stabilized multiple threads opened, and compensation notice! angel 2020-1-20 02259 angel 2020-1-20 04:34
[Sys] Game server replacement, please test the game! admin 2020-1-20 72667 mahdi 2020-1-20 03:43
[Sys] Server network adjustment announcement! angel 2020-1-19 02101 angel 2020-1-19 21:29
[Act] Participate in the game promotion activities, win generous game points reward! 新人帖 angel 2019-11-27 17321 UtamoVitiaxX 2020-1-17 17:21
[Sys] 2020 January Lucky Bags is Here! angel 2020-1-17 02394 angel 2020-1-17 09:10
[Sys] The server room network upgrade is complete and turned on angel 2020-1-14 02148 angel 2020-1-14 22:14
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