Edited by KingsKnight at 2020-3-6 08:02
Note: None of these are in any perticular order.
1: Potion stack limit.
Just increase it! There is no benefit of having a full backpack of potions. (To 10k, 20k, 100k, Infinity. Don't care!)
2: Intensify hammers.
Lucky hammers are such an integral part of the game and they have been always locked behind lucky bags or events. My suggestion would be to create an NPC that would sell these hammers for gold. As everyone needs the hammers, it would be a good gold sink and not fuck over F2P just because everyone already pimped their equipment and don't need to spam for them. (Start from lvl11 as the lvl10 can be gotten from fusion, or from lvl1. The more the better.)
3: Runes.
Instead of monsters dropping runes, they should drop Rune vouchers corresponding to the amount needed at the Fortunia NPC. That way the players have a choice of what kind of runes they get. (The NPC's selection needs to be change in this case.)
4:F2P only events.
I know that the owners want to make money, but creating an event that seems to be F2P, but is another spam event where only the big spenders will get something is not the way to go. If you want people to spend money, lucky bags are already a good system, but lets not forget about the F2P aspect of the game. I suggest running such events where the F2P and P2P players have the same chance of getting big items. (The drop rate should be lower then in lucky bags.) The event could be run every 3 months to let players, if they put enough work in to it, to get some good stuff to sell or use for them selves.
5:Adjusted monster gold drops.
As it's now, monsters from lower level expensions drop more gold than some of the higher ones. It's kind of wierd that a lvl 80 account can make as much gold per hour then a lvl120 killing way tougher monsters. Some balancing is needed and would encourage players to make there alts stronger.
6:Enchanted PDs in shop.
Adding previous Echanted fashion would help newer players. After the initial spam of PD bags, there isnt much for players to buy. This would help them level up and grind for newer more powerful PDs that are sold by players. (Yet another gold sink).
What do you think? And what are your ideas?