Edited by zsilver at 2020-5-18 23:00
We definitely need a way to obtain safe keys. Here's one idea i've been thinking:
Instead of just giving them in bags, how about a permanent event that lets you obtain 6 permanent keys (untradeable) for each character. You can get them by:
Let there be special quests to obtain each key: kill certain mobs, sell specific things to npcs, kill bosses in instances (or obtain new specific ítems to complete this new quests). The difficulty should scale with each new key adquired, but not to the point of being frustating or tedious, something natural) Idk, something that you need to work instead of just buying them from random pulls. And to compensate, make the safes from 7 and onwards via lucky bags.
And i agree with the gold spam event. We had them in the original game but the drop rate sucked so bad. Maybe consumables or rare things in those gold bags. Also, new bags from the shookeeper in lyceum, maybe he should sell bags from lvl 60 to 90 or 100, along with consumables.
The boss event in lyceum should definitely return, with maybe bazac and revamped items.
To prods i don't have an idea for them, but they need to have something new or updated (with their orders or something). They're all worthless right now (except chefs and tailors).
And i already submitted this next idea but no response:
Make daily, weekly and monthly quests, and you obtain special points by completing them to exchange from an npc (consumables, some buffs, maybe pds with no stats, idk)