WHY PUT IN BAGS ?!?! i smell p2w... this has to be the most single handily stupid post...if you want to pay for your stuff go back to ao.igg because you have their mentality... no everyone has ag to spend on this game and the point of the private server is to *balance* f2p and p2p ...
Not everyone is able to go to last map GO CAMP LOWER LVL weapons and work your way up stop trying to be p2p
I see ppl saying "Grind their weapons/gears" and laugh my ass off when you talk about getting tickets from mobs "grinding"
Go try playing the other 1/4th of the game and "grind". Would be even harder w/o your AB. Seriously ppl should really stop using that word when the context they use it in is hilarious.
It's kinda funny players in AO complaining about the grind. AO is probably the least actively grinding game there is. Go play Runescape (without buying bots/macroing) or something then you know true grinding.