Edited by Lontra69 at 2020-1-26 00:52
If you lower the money drop, you will have to reduce the cost of skills, repair and npc itens, or it will turn into IGG AO. With low money from mobs, it will be harder to buy stuff from AG users and boss drop itens. In short words, low flow of money.
The real problem is the huge amount of alt farmers. As you stated, in level 70 maps it's almost impossible to level because of them, and I agree. Most of these alt farmers are "cashers", those people that say in the trade chat "Sell 25b for usd".
To solve this, something must be done to discourage the use of alt farmers. Maybe reduce the money from mobs and increase the money from quests. Alts can abuse this in a party, but they are limited to 5, and someone will have to be active. This would make people work for a living. Good bye farmers!
Another solution would be give 100b to each player and create a new type of money, that can only be acquired through events, for example. All kinds of players could use this new money to trade with each other for AG stuff and boss drops. Still it's not a 100% effective solution, since alts can ruin events as well (last HB is an example).
You see, the problem is too deep for a simple solution.