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News Bulletin Today: 0|Threads: 300|Rank: 1 

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全局置頂 Hide sticky threads [Hot] Free game points, get it easily, get it now! attach_img  ...2 admin 2019-12-7 11107602 rizila98 2020-12-22 01:26
Hide sticky threads [Sys] AngalsOnline - Game propaganda copy 新人帖 admin 2019-7-17 036098 admin 2019-7-17 03:42
Hide sticky threads [Sys] Introduction to game points recharge admin 2019-7-17 0106543 admin 2019-7-17 03:44
分類置頂 Hide sticky threads [Sys] Game account application instructions attach_img  ...2345 admin 2019-11-16 44147812 doom999xx 2021-5-24 19:28
Hide sticky threads [Sys] Game client download instructions admin 2019-7-17 0108213 admin 2019-7-17 03:42
本版置頂 Hide sticky threads [Sys] Account trading caution! angel 2020-3-29 730725 jian019 2020-7-8 06:07
Hide sticky threads [Sys] Angel character name and game title creation instructions! !! digest angel 2020-2-1 030945 angel 2020-2-1 08:26
[Hot] Free game account activation method heatlevel  ...23456..25 angel 2020-2-27 248218608 Miinho3 2021-2-11 12:34
[Sys] Server IP restriction notification  ...23456..8 angel 2020-2-21 7825662 michaelbravo8 2020-6-2 03:09
[Sys] The unknown problem caused the server to reopen to the public in a planned way  ...23456..12 admin 2020-2-3 11125050 prueba1 2020-2-6 05:49
[Sys] Reward heavily, find BUG way  ...2345 admin 2020-2-10 4812863 TruthSpeaker 2020-2-12 10:42
[Sys] Good news! AOPVP is sick for many days and finally shows signs of improvement  ...23456..7 admin 2020-2-6 66114562 kuroyukihime 2021-5-2 14:49
[Sys] Dear player, please don't be angry, there will be compensation  ...23456..7 admin 2020-2-7 6315187 lendio02 2020-2-14 17:12
[Sys] Test the announcement of server pings in various regions attach_img  ...234 angel 2020-3-23 3211468 roxmemory 2020-4-14 16:04
[Sys] Game enters maintenance, replace with new server  ...23456 admin 2020-2-17 5311605 pjpaul333 2020-2-18 22:26
[Sys] Update the adjustment announcement yesterday!  ...234 angel 2020-2-15 337993 wefata1994 2020-2-18 06:19
[Sys] Game update and settings announcement  ...23 angel 2020-3-1 2711377 boon99 2020-3-21 20:38
[Sys] Free account activation is open! Caution reminder! Compensation description  ...234 admin 2020-2-12 3410970 aloyzx 2020-2-29 10:46
[Sys] Server network failure, maintenance notice!  ...234 angel 2020-2-14 358038 pjpaul333 2020-2-15 01:12
[Sys] Lyceum to Sakura Theme (Valentine's Day).  ...234 angel 2020-2-14 318209 Murdock 2020-2-15 02:21
[Sys] Sorry, the game server was disconnected unexpectedly!  ...234 angel 2020-2-15 328985 reddish 2020-2-16 01:35
[Sys] Server update announcement!  ...23 angel 2020-2-23 217299 Murdock 2020-2-25 00:13
[Sys] Server replacement announcement  ...23 angel 2020-3-31 227831 justin2044 2020-4-3 21:12
[Sys] Game downtime maintenance, to fix player item announcements!  ...2 angel 2020-2-5 175060 DenAssian 2020-2-6 04:29
[Sys] The game server is temporarily out of service and data repair is in progress  ...2 admin 2020-2-3 184901 deathxjoe 2020-2-6 19:28
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