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全局置頂 Hide sticky threads Free game points, get it easily, get it now! attach_img  ...2 admin 2019-12-7 11106566 rizila98 2020-12-22 01:26
Hide sticky threads Introduction to game points recharge admin 2019-7-17 0105618 admin 2019-7-17 03:44
Hide sticky threads AngalsOnline - Game propaganda copy 新人帖 admin 2019-7-17 035814 admin 2019-7-17 03:42
本版置頂 Hide sticky threads [Update] Server Status 新人帖 attach_img  ...234 UtamoVitiaxX 2020-2-3 339757 katiia 2020-6-17 19:26
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Polls DUNGEON FARMING !!! Adilsonagg 2020-12-8 23203 Adilsonagg 2023-6-30 16:21
Polls Make mage/warrior skills cheaper from NPC DarkPrince93 2020-2-21 53775 Adilsonagg 2023-5-14 17:52
Help Nehuen24 2023-4-22 0680 Nehuen24 2023-4-22 07:07
Polls Patch Sword/Finesse Glitch  ...2 Markiee12 2020-7-2 208020 JayElimination 2023-3-28 13:03
Polls Fixing Earth.. Markiee12 2020-5-25 01977 Markiee12 2022-11-19 03:54
Sever Lag, 99% unplayable during totem war manloLOKI 2021-12-10 01654 manloLOKI 2021-12-10 12:45
patching problems attach_img markgim007 2021-6-2 31569 norman5566 2021-10-1 18:57
Spell Swordman 新人帖 GaloMano 2021-4-21 11597 Simdres 2021-5-21 19:32
item mall combo 2021-4-14 16396 zerofassion 2021-5-2 10:10
Account 新人帖 combo 2021-4-14 05785 combo 2021-4-14 12:35
New player 新人帖 marksee123 2021-4-13 06270 marksee123 2021-4-13 01:54
How to make Vending Machine attach_img Nyonyo 2021-4-1 01546 Nyonyo 2021-4-1 14:29
The Best Version of the Server So Far Maikii 2020-8-16 72706 tilderbrewer 2021-3-22 20:59
Where is the compensation? liamsito 2020-9-21 82458 tilderbrewer 2021-3-22 18:37
CAN'T LOG IN raikantopeni 2020-12-8 11707 tilderbrewer 2021-3-22 17:00
Newbie Box darkmaco1 2020-8-3 32269 tilderbrewer 2021-3-22 16:11
Time zone again e_e Aaron646 2020-11-16 11694 tilderbrewer 2021-3-22 14:44
ADJUST PRICE FOR OVERPRICED BLOSSOMS raikantopeni 2021-1-3 11893 raikantopeni 2021-1-4 20:58
Polls How would you like to see S Class Items in game. coolcloud333 2020-5-25 22763 Adilsonagg 2020-12-31 21:47
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